The worst telephone and net connection i have ever seen is BSNL.They don provided customer care support and they don provide proper telephone lines either.The only thing they do is just steal money from the users.Bill comes correctly but not the connection.
I have got WLL connection from BSNL Before 2 months.They told me that i don have feasibility for a land line at present as all the connections r being utilized.The WLL is the worst kind of connection that could ever be given to a user.
Connection speed is very less(max is 921.6KBPS).Min is 115.0KBPS.The problem in this is that if the powwer supply fluctuates the net connection wil get cut.The device r the modem wil be operational it wil display Data Cal In Progress.But the system wil indicate a connection failure.
Today i went to the exchange and asked for it.Actually i had a problem in the dint get recognised in my pc.It seems ther is some loose connection in the USB cable.
The officer in the exchange connected my device tohis pc in office infront of me.The device got connected.But the problem is he is not even ready to accept that the loose connection is there in the usb cable.So i am going to go there again and make him check it.U know at i nearly dialed nearly 5 times by the mean time i type this post.
All i am trying to say is SORRY for not updating the SITE.I have this problem for the past 5 days.I couldn even update my resume also i am not able to check mail from my house.I had to go to my friends house.But anyway i won leave that exchange without changing the USB cable if possible the device itself