Hi-fi systems are in no danger of being replaced by computers, said the Hamburg-based computer magazine Computebild.
But while the best PC loudspeakers cannot match the sound quality or volume levels of a good stereo system, some computers still offer sounds good enough to liven up computer games or provide background musicwhile working, reports Computerbild magazine
But that’s about all users should expect. After all, a good pair of hi-fi speakers can cost 300 euros (386 dollars).
The magazine tested 12 sets of PC loudspeakers. First place went to the 2.1-System Q 1000 from Hama (89 euros), while second place was shared by the 2.1-System MX-3+ from Wavemaster (48 euros) and the Z10 from Logitech (98 euros). Fourth place went to the 2.1-System Z-2300 (125 euros), also from Logitech.
The magazine advised against buying loudspeakers in the 15-euro range, noting that they often rattle and have insufficient bass