Google, Gmail, Google Docs….Google has quickly taken over the market for online efficiency and products. But the new Google Drive, or Gdrive as it’s better known, looks as thought it may trump them all, and open the door to a new era in Internet technology.
For the last several years, we have been hearing about the Gdrive, most of us putting it off as a vague idea, or even a rumor. But now information has been received that the Gdrive is coming in 2009,making it one of the most anticipated products of the year, and throwing people into fits, wondering over what it could mean for the computer world.
The Gdrive is more or less online storage, which might not sound that exciting. But what makes it different, is that it will give the user the ability to store the entirety of their hard drive online, with a desktop component that will work via a web-sync to allow you to access your information. It is the first real, viable competition for Windows in a long time, and many are hoping it could lead to a whole new system for the average desktop. The technology promises for bigger things down the road - like booting your computer from an online drive to load the Google operating system.
There is perhaps one major con in the system, and that is privacy. Google has already had quite a few complaints about their willingness to share customer information, both on their searches, and their email, and putting the entire contents of your hard drive into their storage will likely result in the same.
Privacy issue aside one of the exciting differences about this offering is that Google allegedly plans to offer an unlimited (or nearly unlimited) storage either free of charge or at a small fee. No official launch date has been released.